

Bolivarian Government began census of popular wineries in parishes in Caracas

It seeks to “have a significant impact on product prices,” said Villegas

Published at: 16/03/2024 05:52 PM

The National Superintendency for the Defense of Socioeconomic Rights (SUNDDE), spokespersons for Popular Power and the Bases of Socialist Missions, were deployed to begin the census of popular wineries in the seven prioritized parishes of Caracas.

The activity, which was led by the Minister of Popular Power for National Trade, Luis Antonio Villegas, from the Ali Primera Park, located in Catia, the Ministry reported in its account on the social network X.

It highlights that the day is held together with communities within the framework of the fundamental process for building a fairer food distribution system.

In this regard, in a note published on the website of the ministerial body, Villegas indicated that “the objective of this plan is to articulate mechanisms with producers to shorten all links in the distribution chains so that the product reaches the warehouse and can benefit the final consumer, who is the people”.

He stressed that it seeks to “have a significant impact on product prices”.

The initiative includes the Economy for Life summit, of the Great Equality and Social Justice Mission “Hugo Chávez”, which aims to strengthen the process of social inclusion to guarantee the well-being of the People.

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