

Bolivarian Government attends Battle of Santa Inés and Bolívar Chávez communes in Caracas

Popular power of communes Battle of Santa Inés and Bolívar Chávez in Caracas

Published at: 05/06/2024 05:20 PM

Within the framework of the Territorial Action Plan (PAT) implemented by the Permanent Commission on Infrastructure and Urbanism of the Municipal Council of Caracas (CMC) and thanks to the policies of the government of President Nicolás Maduro, important works have been carried out to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of Caracas.

In this regard, in the Batalla de Santa Inés commune, located in the Altavista sector in the Sucre parish, a building that houses more than 60 families was waterproofed.

“This action is added to the waterproofing of another building in the same housing estate, which demonstrates the government's commitment to meeting the needs of the population,” said Councilman Jesús García, president of the said Commission.

He also stated that the waterproofing was carried out quickly and efficiently, with the participation of the People's Power, through spokeswomen who worked together with the brigades of the Permanent Commission on Infrastructure and Urbanism of the City Council of Caracas (CMC). “This work represents a relief for the families who live in the building, who for years had suffered from problems of filtration and humidity.”

The councilor added that in the Bolívar Chávez commune, President Maduro has also responded to the residents' requests, sending more than 300 lights to illuminate the streets, alleys and avenues of the Los Eucaliptos sector, in the San Juan parish. “The installation of these lights has been carried out by the community members themselves, with great will and commitment,” he said.


He said that thanks to the initiative, the inhabitants of Los Eucaliptos now have better lighting, allowing them to carry out their daily activities with greater safety and comfort. In addition, “it has made it possible to create new meeting spaces for the inhabitants, especially at night”.

The spokesman stressed that during a tour, carried out through the Bolívar Chávez commune, together with the beneficiary inhabitants, they were able to verify the cleaning of streams and streams, thanks to the 1x10 of the Good Government. In addition, reports were received on risk problems and conditions from schools and educational units, which were channeled to the competent bodies for prompt attention.

These actions demonstrate the commitment of the government of President Nicolás Maduro to improving the quality of life of Venezuelans. Through the Territorial Action Plan and the 1x10 Good Governance program, projects are being carried out that meet the needs of communities in terms of infrastructure, public services and security.

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