

Bolivarian Government approves 250,000 tons of asphalt for Zulia

The tasks include washing, asphalt binder, demarcation, placement of cat eyes and the installation of LED lamps
Photo: VPSOPS Press

Published at: 02/02/2024 10:45 AM

A total of 250,000 tons of asphalt were approved by the Bolivarian Government for the state of Zulia, in order to continue improving roads throughout the state.

President Nicolás Maduro approved 250,000 tons of asphalt for the state of Zulia, as part of the National Asphalt Plan that is being carried out throughout the national territory,” said the Sectorial Vice President of Public Works and Services, G/J Néstor Reverol, from Avenida 5 de Julio in the capital of Zulia.

In the company of the members of the Presidential Commission for the Rescue, Conservation and Sustainable Development of Lake Maracaibo, Reverol specified that 43,000 tons of asphalt have been placed on the Lara-Zulia highway and Dr. Portillo, 5 de Julio, Circunvalación 1, 2, 3 and La Cañada avenues.

He added that in addition to these important road arteries, there are asphalting works on the 214 kilometer Troncal Machiques - Colón, which will begin soon, according to PRENSA VPSOPS.

“The tasks include washing, asphalt binder, demarcation, placement of cat's eyes and the installation of LED lamps, which are the responsibility of the National Electric Corporation (CORPOELEC),” said the Minister of People's Power for Electric Energy.

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