

Bolivarian Government announces deployment of National Surgical Plan for cataract surgery in Sucre

The patients will be treated at the Salvador Allende hospital, in Cumaná
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 28/05/2024 04:01 PM

A total of 240 people will be operated on for cataracts and pterygium with the national surgical plan carried out at the Salvador Allende hospital in Cumaná in the state of Sucre. The action will be carried out thanks to the joint work between the Ministry of People's Power for Health and the regional government.

The single health authority in the state of Sucre, William Meneses, stressed that during the day, people who made their request through the 1×10 of Good Governance will be treated.

We are starting this great day where 240 patients who made the complaint through Venapp will be answered. A tool provided by President Nicolás Maduro, to meet the needs of the population,” said the official from the social network X.

On a daily basis, 48 people will be operated on starting next Friday, June 1st.

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