Bolivarian Government announces 70% recovery of the wastewater system in Zulia
Published at: 23/08/2024 09:20 AM
The president of CORPOZULIA, Néstor Luis Reverol, reported that the wastewater system has recovered 70% after the inspection of the rehabilitation works of the Maracaibo Sur Wastewater Treatment Plant has been carried out.
“ Next week, we will be delivering the wastewater pumping stations on the Eastern Shore of Lake Maracaibo and the El Suiche treatment plant. With the Maracaibo Sur, El Suiche and La Ras plants, which will begin to be recovered by Pequiven in El Tablazo, we reached more than 70% in the rehabilitation of wastewater treatment plants in the state of Zulia,” said the president of the Zulian development corporation.
At the plant undergoing deep rehabilitation, located in the San Francisco municipality of Zulia state, “work began last year, which includes the reinforcement of walls, operating shed, deforestation and cleaning, which will allow for further progress in the Master Plan for the Rescue, Conservation and Sustainable Development of Lake Maracaibo and its lines of action,” Reverol said in a press release from the institution.
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