

Bolivarian Government and Burkina Faso strengthen cooperation in the aeronautical sector

Coordination meeting to strengthen working ties
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 09/02/2024 07:44 PM

During the celebration of the First Joint Commission between Venezuela and Burkina Faso, air sector authorities from both countries met with representatives of the National Civil Aviation Agency of Burkina Faso, with the objective of strengthening ties in aeronautical matters between the two nations.

The meeting, which was attended by the Deputy Minister of Air Transport, G/B Freddy Borges, accompanied by authorities from the National Institute of Civil Aeronautics (INAC), demonstrated the interest in improving connectivity and promoting binational commercial and tourist exchange through airlifts.

The authorities agreed on the importance of promoting cooperation, to guarantee quality and safety standards in the provision of services, as a key element to contribute to economic and social development, and they reaffirmed their willingness to continue working together.

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