

Bolivarian Government advances in the prevention of dengue fever in Aragua

Entity-wide prevention work
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 06/06/2024 08:25 PM

The Bolivarian Government of Aragua activated multidisciplinary environmental sanitation teams in the entity to serve the 18 municipalities, with the deployment of the campaign for the prevention, awareness and care of cases of dengue fever. Professionals carry out house-to-house visits, as well as approach educational institutions and healthcare centers.

Shirley Hernández, Single Health Authority, highlighted that the National Plan for the Prevention and Control of Dengu e seeks to guarantee the optimal state of health of the population of Aragüeña.

“We continue this prevention and call on the entire community not to accumulate unnecessary objects that are sources of the vector (...) we are one team to follow this campaign and win the battle against Dengue,” said the official in a regional press release.

“Even so, all municipalities in the state of Aragua are being prevented, through the deployment of our staff, who are responsible daily for the control and surveillance of cases of dengue fever,” he added.

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