

Bolivarian Government advances in PDVSA's operational recovery

“The process of the definitive recovery of PDVSA is thanks to the joint efforts of the workers,” said Tellechea

Published at: 02/04/2024 09:26 PM

The Minister of Popular Power for Petroleum and president of the state oil company Petrleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), Pedro Rafael Tellechea, stressed that the Bolivarian Government is making firm progress in the process for the operational recovery of the oil industry.

“The process of the definitive recovery of PDVSA cannot be reversed, thanks to the joint efforts of the workers,” he said in his account on the social network X.

He stated that “with our own efforts together with the workers, we continue to increase production, improve infrastructure and achieve new operational achievements to continue boosting the growth of the national economy.”

Tellechea, attached a video to the message, in which he reiterated the achievements achieved in the energy recovery process by the National Executive, is due to teamwork.

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