

Bolivarian Government activated 38 wind turbines at the Paraguaná Wind Farm

Márquez stressed that in this way, in record time, the guidelines of the President of the Bolivarian Republic, Nicolás Maduro, are being complied with

Published at: 21/07/2024 11:00 AM

This Saturday, the Minister of People's Power for Electric Energy, Jorge Márquez, reported that 38 wind turbines were activated at the Paraguaná Wind Farm, located in the municipality of Los Taques, in the state of Falcón.

“38 wind turbines are being put into operation at the Paraguaná Wind Farm, with 14 remaining, which will also be operational in the coming months,” said Márquez.

In addition, he stressed that this way, in record time, the guidelines of the President of the Bolivarian Republic, Nicolás Maduro, are being complied with, in record time, in a note from the Ministry of People's Power for Electric Energy.

“We are generating approximately 40 to 50 megawatts more for the National Electric System,” he said.

It should be noted that the activity was attended by the governor of the entity, Víctor Clark.