

Bolivarian Fury mobilizes in rejection of the coup and for the country's peace in Caracas (+23E)

Long March January 23rd
Photo @Nahumfernandezm

Published at: 23/01/2024 11:30 AM

On the occasion of the 66th anniversary of January 23, 1958, the Bolivarian Fury mobilized in a civic-military union in a large march in Caracas to express its strong rejection of the coup and in favor of the peace of the Fatherland.

In this regard, from the starting point of the mobilization in Francisco de Miranda Park, the head of government of Caracas, Nahum Hernández, stressed that to those who promote violence in the country, “that the people of Venezuela are more clear than ever and we are going to defend Venezuelan democracy and the Bolivarian Revolution.”

He also highlighted that President Nicolás Maduro has always been in battle, despite the fact that right-wing groups promote criminal actions against him.

“That is why today, January 23, we are marching with our banner of Venezuelan democracy and peace; let there be no doubt left to the right or to the international movements that finance them, that this people have already decided the path they are going to take in the coming years, which is the path of (Simon) Bolívar, (Hugo) Chávez and that of Nicolás Maduro,” he emphasized.

For her part, the mayor of Caracas, Carmen Meléndez, reaffirmed that today the “Bolivarian Fury is on the street and will stay on the street to guarantee peace (...) we are with a people that does not surrender to anyone”. At the same time, he reaffirmed that Venezuelans are willing to do anything to defend their homeland.

He added that the violent of the right, who have always wanted to ignite and destabilize the country, will be forgotten in history.

In the same way, the vice-president of the organization of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Pedro Infante, recalled that 66 years ago the political, business and military leaders betrayed the People with the so-called Fixed Point Pact.

“They betrayed the people who put their breasts in those struggles in the street (...) 66 years of a struggle that belongs to us patriots, to the humble, to Bolivarians,” he said.

In turn, referring to the fact that 10 years ago the right wing called for La Salida, he alerted the People that “this date, January 23, has been used by the right to try to install a betrayal of our people again”. In addition, he determined that the main causes of the attacks on the country are because Venezuela is an energy power and the main oil reserve in the world.

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