

BOLÍVAR - MARHUANTA/Delcy Rodríguez invites to an electoral simulation: Let no one be left without voting!

March in support of President Nicolás Maduro in Bolívar state
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Published at: 25/06/2024 04:08 PM

The central coordinator of the Venezuela Nuestra Campaign Command, Delcy Rodríguez, invited the revolutionary people to participate in the electoral simulation that will take place this Sunday, ahead of the presidential elections on July 28.

“With that emotion, with that joy this Sunday we are going to the simulacrum Sunday, June 30 simulacrum for the great victory of Venezuela that we will give on July 28 (...) everyone and everyone to vote, let no one stay, let's tell them (sectors of extremism) right away: Don't dare, don't dare imperialist pataruco, don't dare fascist attack Venezuela because here we are the guardians and guardians of Bolívar and Chávez, we are the guardians of the People,” he said Rodriguez.

From the Marhuanta parish, in Bolívar state, the revolutionary leader called for the consolidation of the 1x10x7 machinery, “accompanying our structure, ensuring that on July 28, that 1x10 will be certain to vote for the Venezuelan candidate, for President Nicolás Maduro, and that those patarucos are left for sancocho.”

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