

BOLÍVAR - CARONÍ/Delcy Rodríguez: Nicolás Maduro has stood up under the worst circumstances

The head of state “did not fall into the temptations that the gringos put on him,” emphasized Delcy Rodríguez
PSUV press

Published at: 05/06/2024 05:45 PM

It was the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, who showed his face and “put his chest under the worst circumstances to defend Venezuela, a good and noble man, such as the Venezuelan people,” as emphasized by the central coordinator of the “Our Venezuela” Campaign Command, Delcy Rodríguez.

In the Caroní municipality of Bolívar state, where a mobilization took place in support of the country's candidate, Nicolás Maduro.

He also argued that the People's candidate also “is decisive and determined when it comes to defending our Homeland.”

He stressed that he was the only one who stood up and “did not fall into the temptations that the gringos put on him”.

Rodríguez stated that, on the contrary, the extremist opposition sector, “lives constantly asking that they do this or that, never mind, destroy, cause suffering.”

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