

BOLÍVAR - ANGOSTURA/Vice President Rodríguez: What is at stake is the future of Venezuela

March in support of President Nicolás Maduro in Bolívar
Photo: Social Network X

Published at: 05/06/2024 03:13 PM

This Wednesday, June 5, during the march in support of President Nicolás Maduro and in rejection of the sanctions and the blockade imposed by the North American Government, from the Angostura municipality, in Bolívar state, the Executive Vice President, Delcy Rodríguez, assured that what is at stake is the future of Venezuela.

“Not only the future, but the peace of Venezuela is at stake”, in that sense, he invited us to protect peace day by day between now and July 28 and beyond, “because what the stateless right has planned is violence.”

He also argued that they (the right) want to sing fraud because they are bad losers. “They don't want to recognize the victory of the people of Venezuela.”

In that sense, he said that this people have never grown small in the face of difficulties, challenges, challenges and aggressions, “we had oil and electricity sabotage, pandemic, attempted coups d'etat, invasions, sanctions, blockades, and it has faced it gallantly.”

“The Venezuelan people, with strategic patience, with determination rose up and are here in 2024 triumphant and hopeful for a better future,” he said.

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