

BOLÍVAR - ANGOSTURA/El Pueblo secures the victory of July 5

Mobilization from the Angostura municipality of Bolívar state
Photo: Internet

Published at: 05/06/2024 02:40 PM

This Wednesday, the people of Bolívar state, Angostura municipality, marched in support of President Nicolás Maduro Moros and in rejection of the sanctions imposed by the United States (USA), during the event representatives of the Bolivar and Chávez Battle Unit (UBCH) assured the victory of July 5.

Zulay Betancourt, spokesperson for the municipality's UBCH, said: “From our historic countryside, today's people come together, this space is important because where God is, there is Chávez and the People.”

“Here we are going to demonstrate loyalty as Commander Hugo Chávez asked us to follow the legacy and continue to support our brother president Nicolás Maduro. In addition, social movements are present and we decided to forcefully repudiate all the sanctions they have imposed on our people,” said Betancourt.

Likewise, the spokeswoman for the state UBCH added that “to this cardboard candidate we want to say that here the people are kneeling on the ground with Commander Chávez to defend the Fatherland of Bolivar, the united people will win!

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