

BOLÍVAR - ANGOSTURA/Delcy Rodríguez: Nicolás Maduro is the only one capable of consolidating us as a victorious nation

March in support of President Nicolás Maduro in Bolívar state

Published at: 05/06/2024 03:15 PM

The general coordinator of International Relations of the Venezuela Nuestra Campaign Command, Delcy Rodríguez, praised this Wednesday the great achievements achieved by the Bolivarian Revolution, despite the multiple aggressions promoted by North American imperialism and its allies against the People and the national economy.

In this regard, he urged Venezuelans to leave en masse on July 28, the day of the presidential elections, “to defend peace, to defend the democracy of organized Popular Power, to defend our grandparents, our women, children, our men, to defend our people, to guarantee the economic growth that is already coming today in a blocked, economically, financially and commercially attacked Venezuela.”

From the Angostura municipality, in Bolívar state, he stated that President Nicolás Maduro “is the only one capable of carrying out the great changes that Venezuela needs to consolidate us as a victorious nation, to consolidate ourselves as the indestructible Venezuela.”

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