

Blood and Death: The Only Option for the Venezuelan Right

Published at: 03/05/2024 07:49 PM

More than 15 assassination attempts have been carried out since 2013 against President Nicolás Maduro, all proven, all reported by those involved and the material authors of the failed events, although to this day, they continue to deny their participation.

So far in 2024, two operations have been unveiled on time. One of them presented by the President during his memory presentation and recounts last January 5 before the National Assembly (AN), in which he detailed “we dismantled in the month of May, in the month of August, in the month of November and December four conspiracies with foreign components, planned from Miami and Colombia,” the national president accused during his speech. In this regard, the Attorney General, Tarek William Saab, denounced, on February 20, the involvement of several citizens in the so-called Operation White Armband, which sought the overthrow of the Venezuelan Government.

Regarding this operation, in an interview with the Telesur channel, Saab referred to the participation of the opposition activist Rocío San Miguel, owner of the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Control Citizen, with documents related to the terrorist operation.

In that interview, the Attorney General reported that those involved in the so-called Operation White Armband “planned an attack against the 21st Infantry Brigade of the Bolivarian Army and the First Black Battalion B; both located in Táchira, to seize the weapons park of this body” and He also pointed out that those involved in the operation “planned to attempt the life of Governor Freddy Bernal and begin an escalation of terrorist acts to the point of an attempt on the life of President Nicolás Maduro”, which led to action by the Venezuelan State to neutralize this conspiracy.

The last neutralized attempt was planned for March 25, the day of the registration of the candidacy for the presidency of the current president Nicolás Maduro Moros, in the vicinity of Diego Ibarra Square.

The prosecution reported this Monday at a press conference, the circumstances and objectives of the plan organized against the President, with the audiovisual exhibition in which Jerry Ostos and Carlos Eduardo Castillo, offered details of the plot. Opposition activist Carlos Julio Rojas, identified as the instigator and logistical coordinator of the operation, was also arrested.

Despite the statements of the defendants, the international press presents it as an “assumption” , two members of the organization Vente Venezuela, the political group of the opposition María Corina Machado, were arrested.

However, right-wing spokespersons maintain that they are facts invented by the national government to brand them as violent, but in an analysis carried out and published in May 2014 by the Telesur channel, after the death of President Hugo Chávez, 7 attempts were made to assassinate Nicolás Maduro in 2013 alone, and we can detail each of them:

· On May 3, the president released information about assassination plans and pointed directly to former Colombian President Álvaro Uribe, as well as Roger Noriega and Otto Reich, from Miami .

· Then, on June 10, the then Interior Minister , Miguel Rodríguez Torres, reported that according to the investigations carried out, two groups of Colombian paramilitaries that were arrested a week earlier were going to attempt on the president 's life.

· Later, on July 31, Diosdado Cabello, who at the time was the president of the National Assembly (AN), announced that businessman Eduardo Macaya Álvarez, terrorist Luis Posada Carriles and Álvaro Uribe are among the people who are developing assassination plans against Nicolás Maduro. In addition, Rodríguez Torres reported that first meetings were held during April in Miami and Bogotá with the participation of Uribe, the former de facto president of Honduras, Roberto Micheletti, a delegate sent by Posada Carriles, an active Colombian officer, and a CIA officer.

· Later, on August 26, Rodríguez Torres reported the arrest of two Colombians: Víctor Joan Gueche Mosquera and Erick Leonardo Huerta Ríos, who had orders to assassinate Maduro, or failing that, the head of Parliament, Diosdado Cabello. The operation was called “yellow folder”. They were arrested on August 15 near Caracas, and the Minister stated that the Colombian assassins hired to kill the president charged 10,600 dollars.

· Days later, on September 30, President Maduro ordered the expulsion of three employees of the US embassy: Elizabeth Hunderland, David Mutt and Kelly Keiderlinh for engaging in destabilizing acts against the country.

· Only a few months passed when a new arrest was made, on December 20, the Colombian police captured Alejandro Caicedo Alfonso, alias “Scooby” in Antioquia, accused of participating in a plan to assassinate Nicolás Maduro and Diosdado Cabello during August of that year.

Despite this, the following year was riddled with news, arrests, confessions, statements and conspiracies that occurred during 2014:

On March 25, President Nicolás Maduro announced the arrest of three aviation generals, allies of the Venezuelan extreme right, who were planning to carry out a coup against his government.

Then, on March 28, the then mayor of the Capital District, Jorge Rodríguez, presented evidence of the assassination plan against the President and other representatives of the National Executive, prepared by Venezuelan opponents and businessmen with support from the State Department and the US ambassador to Colombia.

Later, in June of that year, the deputy and for the time being, president of the National Assembly (AN), Diosdado Cabello, revealed during his “Con El Mazo Dando” program, more evidence regarding the assassination and the coup d'etat in Venezuela; having Mayor Jorge Rodríguez as a guest to the program, who unveiled an audio containing several voice notes from Pedro Burelli as evidence of his participation in the denounced assassination plan against President Nicolás Maduro.

It is important to remember that Pedro Mario Burelli was a member of the management of Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), he is currently a businessman based in Miami and the main financier of the Mexican Party, or Soft Strike; which an attempt was made in our country since February 2014.

Some time later, on August 4, 2018, during an event commemorating the 81st anniversary of the creation of the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB), two drone explosions occurred while the Venezuelan Head of State gave a speech on Bolivar Avenue in Caracas. After this attack, from a communication point of view, some communication corporations tried and continue to try to make the event invisible, and even the international media on August 4, 2018 minimized what happened, calling it an “alleged assassination”, thus ignoring the danger posed by this event.

According to investigations carried out by intelligence teams in our country and around the world, the August 4 attack marks a precedent, becoming the first assassination attempt with drones on the planet. It was an attack that, in the light of the statements obtained, was planned from abroad to completely behead the government. An attack that would be seen live and live by millions of people.

Another well-known action occurred in the midst of a pandemic, a terrorist incursion surprised the Venezuelan people on May 3, 2020, with a mercenary incursion into the nation's territorial waters, when armed groups were sighted off the coast of the Central Coast, in Macuto, that were neutralized in a civic-military-police union, it was “Operation Gideon”. This was planned by the national extreme right from Colombia in complicity with its government, with the participation of drug trafficking and the order of the White House to destabilize the country and undertake foreign military intervention.

However, despite the two permanent attacks, President Nicolás Maduro's call has always been for dialogue and the construction of peace, and in one of the many calls he stated: “I called for a dialogue for work, for working together. The National Conference is to see each other in the eye, to recognize us as Venezuelans, to tell us that we want peace, that we are going to make peace, I invite you, we are going to connect with each other,” emphasized the national president, who also reminded the opposition that “the responsibility for peace is not only mine as President, the responsibility for peace is also yours.”

As we have seen in the last 25 years, as long as an ultra-right faction continues to advocate anti-democratic means and threatens to eliminate its opponents with violent attacks, the results for them will be increasingly negative, since each coup escalation brings with it a deep cohesion of the People and the Bolivarian Revolution, which is committed above all else to national union.