

Blackmail? The US announces that it will not renew licenses for Venezuelan oil and gas

On the other hand, the US ratified the revocation of General License 43, which authorized transactions related to Minerven

Published at: 30/01/2024 11:57 AM

As part of the new blackmail attempt against the Bolivarian Government, this Tuesday the Government of the United States (USA) announced that it will not renew licenses to Venezuela's oil and gas sector, which expire on April 18.

In a statement from the State Department, the United States argues that the re-imposition of these illegal unilateral coercive measures is supposed to provide “support” for democracy, following the ratification of the disqualification of the opposition María Corina Machado by the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ).

According to the North American Government, this constitutional action by the Venezuelan State “violates” the agreements signed in Barbados with the Unitary Platform (PU), which brings together an opposition sector of the South American nation, however, the Bolivarian Government has demonstrated that it has complied with each of the points signed.

On the other hand, the US ratified the revocation of General License 43, which authorized transactions related to Minerven, the Venezuelan state gold mining company. “U.S. individuals will have fourteen days to cancel any transaction that was previously authorized by that license,” the statement said.

During the broadcast of his program With Maduro+, President Nicolás Maduro emphasized that the government he leads would not accept blackmail from the US administration and asserted that the country would continue on the path of growth, “with or without sanctions.”

With regard to the disqualification of Machado, the head of state revealed that the mechanism for reviewing this condition was drafted by representatives of the PU. “What was signed as a mechanism, for the resolution of that conflict, we signed, but it was written by them. They failed to do so,” he said.

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