

Benjamín Rausseo goes to the CNE and becomes a candidate for the presidential elections

Benjamín Rausseo, presidential candidate of the opposition
Photo: Internet

Published at: 24/03/2024 01:01 PM

With the support of the opposition National Democratic Confederation (Conde), comedian Benjamín Rausseo formalized his candidacy for the presidential elections on July 28.

With Rausseo, better known as Count Del Guácharo, the number of opposition candidates registered with the CNE for these elections has risen to 8.

During his speech, he presented himself as a defender of free enterprise, as a mechanism to achieve “a country of owners, not of beggars”.

He also called on all the participants in this electoral race to maintain a language of height in which disqualifications and insults are not present.

Venezuela doesn't want war between brothers. Let's take advantage of this great opportunity to express ourselves through votes,” he said while inviting media and influencers to promote participation in the upcoming elections.

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