

Beautiful tradition! President Maduro greets the people of Elorza during their patron saint festivities

Elorza Padronal Festivities
Photo @NicolasMaduro

Published at: 19/03/2024 11:07 AM

Through the social network X, the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, sent a greeting to the town of Elorza, in the state of Apure, who today begin their patron saint festivities, which have become a beautiful tradition full of music, dancing and singing.

“Savoring an intersummer, surrounded by the breeze of the plain and to the rhythm of our music, today the people of Apurea begin the celebration of the patron saint festivities in honor of San José. My greetings go to the cheerful population of Elorza who have preserved this beautiful tradition, turning it into the nation's cultural heritage,” wrote the National President on the social network this Tuesday.

Let's remember that every March 19 in Elorza, Apure State, the festivities and activities, both musical, livestock, agricultural, artistic and sporting, take place in honor of San José, patron of the city.

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