

Barinas and Cojedes: MPPSP and INCES train teenagers in conflict with the law in textile manufacturing

Ministry of People's Power for the Penitentiary Service works on social inclusion
Photo: Social Network X

Published at: 03/05/2024 02:54 PM

Adolescents in conflict with criminal law who are in the care institutions of Barinas and Cojedes receive training in textile manufacturing.

This was announced by the Minister of People's Power for the Penitentiary Service, Celsa Bautista, where she explained that training is achieved thanks to the alliances established with the National Institute for Socialist Training and Education (INCES).

“We carry out training in different occupations with the objective that these adolescents who are complying with a socio-educational sanction can apply for employment and achieve social integration,” said the Minister.

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