

BARINAS - ALBERTO ARVELO//President Maduro: I will not give rest to my soul until the peace of the country is consolidated

Mass meeting with the Town of Sabaneta de Barinas
Presidential Press

Published at: 18/06/2024 04:07 PM

Before the People of Sabaneta de Barinas, the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, swore to continue defending the country's sovereignty and the social guarantees of citizens.

During a massive meeting, he highlighted the strength and courage of the Barinese people and invited them to continue working for the legacy of Commander Hugo Chávez.

“I will not give rest to my soul, nor to rest my arm until I consolidate the future and peace of the country (...) from Sabaneta I swear, let us go with love and faith,” he emphasized.

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