

BARINAS - ALBERTO ARVELO//President Maduro confirms loyalty to the oath to protect the people

President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro
Presidential Press

Published at: 18/06/2024 04:26 PM

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and candidate of the Homeland, Nicolás Maduro, highlighted this Tuesday his commitment and loyalty to the task entrusted by Commander Hugo Chávez to protect the People and guarantee their well-being under all circumstances.

From the land of the Supreme Leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, Sabaneta de Barinas, the Head of State exalted “the memory and immortal spirit of our beloved Commander Hugo Chávez Frías. Long live his immortal strength!” , for which he pointed out that the inhabitants of the town must “feel in their blood the blood of the giant”.

“I always ask God, our Lord Jesus Christ, to give me spiritual strength, to give me health, to give me life to make him loyal to the oath I took to our beloved Commander to protect the People of Venezuela,” he said before a crowd in the llanera entity.

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