

President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro

Published at: 29/06/2024 06:23 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, from the state of Anzoátegui, assured that the Revolution and its representatives are driven by love for life and for the Fatherland.

During his speech in the Simón Bolívar municipality of the eastern entity, the National President pointed out that because of this patriotic love Venezuela has to “get rid of that political class of the right. Enough of the Capriles, enough of the Julio Borges, enough of the Ramos Allup, of the Machados, enough of Leopoldo López, of Antonio Ledezma; enough of that political class and elites”.

He also invited the People to say “out” to the elites who called for invasions, blockades and sanctions.

“On July 28, we have an opportunity to tell them out, that's enough; let's create a new story of hope, freedom, prosperity and work for Venezuela. Enough of those people who asked for sanctions,” he said.

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