

BARCELONA - ANZOÁTEGUI//First President called for peace to be guaranteed on 28J

Nicolás Maduro Moros, President of the Republic
Courtesy: Presidential Press

Published at: 29/06/2024 06:42 PM

President Nicolás Maduro Moros, during a visit to the city of Barcelona, Anzoátegui state, called on the Chavista forces to guarantee peace in the country, before, during and after the presidential elections of July 28.

“There must be Peace on July 28 and we must be guarantors... We are building the path with the truth and in defense of the path we are all going,” he said.

Likewise, President Maduro assured that none of the 9 right-wing candidates will guarantee peace and the economic model in Venezuela in favor of the People.

“I can repeat 'hand I have faith', we are winning and we are going to enforce the electoral results on the night of the 28th, when the National Electoral Council (CNE) offers the first bulletin and that the results are irreversible and Nicolás Maduro has triumphed,” he stressed.

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