

Baptist Minister: Deprived of Liberty in Aragua reactivate short-cycle agro-productive areas

They carry out activities such as dismantling, seed planting, land preparation, irrigation, among others
Photo: Social Network X

Published at: 30/04/2024 12:10 PM

The Minister of Popular Power for the Penitentiary Service, Celsa Bautista, announced the reactivation of short-cycle agro-productive areas, in facilities of the Ezequiel Zamora Training Center for New Men in the state of Aragua.

Through a message posted on her account on the social network X, the minister explained that these areas were reactivated by prisoners.

“These agroproductive areas are worked by the prison population; where they carry out activities such as dismantling, seed planting, land preparation, irrigation, among others,” he said.

The minister also indicated that in the orchards you can find: Chili Pepper, Tomato, Lettuce, Cilantro, Aubergine and Chives.

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