

Baile de las Burriquitas was declared Intangible Cultural Heritage of Carabobo

“Dance of the Donkeys and Burriquitas”
VTV photo

Published at: 18/03/2024 12:15 PM

With the objective of dignifying, increasing and disseminating the cultural and traditional heritage of Carabobo, Governor Rafael Lacava, declared the traditional expression of the “Dance of the Donkeys and Burriquitas” as Intangible Cultural Heritage of the entity, according to a press release.

The Secretary of Culture, Nathaly Bustamante, said that Decree No. 671 complies with the guidelines instructed by the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, through the strengthening of vertex seven of the great Viva Venezuela Mission, My Beloved Homeland, to guarantee the nation's cultural heritage.

To share this historic announcement with joy, a special presentation was held outside the Carabobo Museum of Culture, a special presentation by the Naguanorte Foundation, the group that supports and defends the Donkey and Burriquitas Dance, to show its diverse expressions in all regions of the country.

It should be noted that Decree No. 671 formalizes the elevation of the state of Carabobo to Intangible Cultural Heritage, to guarantee respect for cultural diversity, and reinforces the protection of genuine expressions that identify Carabobo's idiosyncrasy.