

BAER performs comprehensive renovation of the boarding and disembarking bridge at La Chinita airport in Zulia

La Chinita International Airport in the state of Zulia
Photo: Social Network X

Published at: 21/05/2024 04:11 PM

Bolivariana de Aeropuerto s (BAER), is carrying out a comprehensive renovation of boarding and disembarking bridge number 2 (Passway), at La Chinita International Airport in the state of Zulia.

This renovation includes the maintenance, replacement and installation of hydraulic jacks, the replacement of structural components, the repair of floors, the application of anti-corrosion coating and final finishing to the structure, as well as the replacement of the internal roof, reports the Ministry of People's Power for Transport, through its account on the social network X.

The works are carried out with the support of the company for the Latin American Railway Infrastructure S.A. (FERROLASA), as part of the comprehensive 1x10 Good Governance policies, which seek to guarantee the safety and proper functioning of airport facilities, for the benefit of all users.

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