

Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei predicted the elimination of Israel and the creation of Palestine

The political leader of HAMAS meets the Leader of the Islamic Revolution
Photo: Internet

Published at: 22/05/2024 10:59 AM

This Wednesday, the leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, predicted the elimination of Israel and the creation of Palestine “from the sea to the river”, in statements after a meeting with the head of the Political Bureau of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS), Ismail Haniya.

“Today, God's first promise has been fulfilled with respect to the Palestinian People, which is the victory of the People of Gaza, who are a small group against the large and powerful coalition formed by the United States (USA), the North Atlantic Organization (NATO), the United Kingdom and some other countries.”

Likewise, Ayatollah Khamenei maintained that “on this same basis, the second promise, that is, the elimination of the Zionist regime, is also feasible, and by divine grace, the day will come when Palestine will extend from the sea to the river”.

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