

Authorities monitor the safe return of seasonal workers from the Puerto Cabello toll booth

More than 3,500 checkpoints to protect the people, President Nicolás Maduro instructed

Published at: 01/04/2024 05:19 PM

Bolivarian Government authorities supervised the safe return of seasonal workers during this Easter holiday 2024, from Km 200 at the Taborda toll booth in Puerto Cabello, Carabobo state.

The Deputy Minister for Risk Management and Civil Protection, MG. Carlos Pérez Am, took a tour of the site to verify the deployment of officials who have been active during the Major Week in order to ensure the healthy enjoyment of both locals and visitors.

“We are supervising this extraordinary deployment that began last March 21, where more than 163,000 officials are distributed to cover 18 trunks, 133 road Peace Quadrants, in addition to 3,500 checkpoints to protect the people as instructed by our President Nicolás Maduro,” said the Deputy Minister.

The head of the Risk Management portfolio, stressed that the strength deployed through the Great Peace Quadrants Mission provides the necessary protection for a safe and happy return to seasonal workers, who visited the temples, family members or tourist sites typical of the central-western region of the country.

“Our mission will always be to maintain a deployment to serve and respond to the people. We recommend to people who are returning to their homes prevention and to be attentive to the instructions of the officials,” said Pérez Am.

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