

Audience present at the Con El Mazo Dando program celebrated Diosdado Cabello's 61st birthday

Cabello thanked everyone for the gifts she received over the past three days, on the occasion of her birthday
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 17/04/2024 08:29 PM

At the beginning of the Con El Mazo Dando program, broadcast number 472, the audience received with much emotion, affection and a shower of applause, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, who celebrated his 61st birthday, this Monday, April 15.

Faced with the show of affection, Cabello commented and showed some gifts he has received from family, friends and supporters, from various areas of the country, including a gift from his granddaughter Dana, “for his abu, very nice”.

Cabello thanked everyone for the gifts she received over the past three days, on the occasion of her birthday.

For the celebration, at the end of the television space, a cake was shared.

Mazo News Team