

Attorney General reveals extortion media structure within PDVSA-Cripto plot

Attorney General of the Republic, Tarek William Saab

Published at: 07/05/2024 12:50 PM

The attorney general of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Tarek William Saab, revealed on Tuesday an extortive media structure within the PDVSA-Cripto corruption scheme, led by former Petroleum Minister Tareck El Aissami.

At a press conference, William Saab showed a video of the man arrested for the corrupt plot Samark López, who confessed that El Aissami and his mafia had a ghost payroll of an extortive media structure, stressing that, with public funds from PDVSA and SUNACRIP, they financed alleged YouTubers or YouTube or network channels to spread dirty war and discredit campaigns against the legitimately constituted authorities and businessmen.

The Prosecutor explained that among those involved in this extortive media structure are the longliners Maibort Petit, Daniel Lara Farías, Roberto Deniz (Armando info), Sebastiana Barraez, among other characters operating from the United States (USA) and Spain, who received a payment between 3 thousand and 5 thousand dollars.

He pointed out that the payroll was in charge of Joselit Ramírez, where Juan Almeida (N33) was also in charge of multiplying the impact of all these campaigns through ghost accounts that they paid and maintained through social platforms and networks such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.”

“These people and these portals received or continue to receive funding from USAID,” says William Saab about Samark López's confession.

He stressed that this, “when we do a retrospective, is coherent, it even has a very high credibility because those mentioned there, which we could see in their photos, those people indicated there with total and warning and premeditated action launch these campaigns against the Venezuelan State, against political and military personalities of the Venezuelan State, but when there was the infinite brutal corruption of the so-called ghostly government” of Juan Guaidó, “there was no press release or research work” , he whipped.

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