

Attacks on Venezuela and Silence on Gaza: The Double Standards of the High Commissioner of Human Rights

Since October 7, 2023, Palestinian authorities have reported more than 28,600 people killed by attacks by Israeli forces

Published at: 15/02/2024 08:37 PM

While the Zionist regime of Israel is carrying out a genocide against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, the Office of the United Nations (UN) High Commissioner for Human Rights (DDHH) focuses its attention on generating false matrices about the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

This is evidenced by the statement of High Commissioner Volker Türk, who in his role as imperial agent came to the defense of the conspirator Rocío San Miguel, arrested and accused for her involvement in the “White Bracelet” magnicidal plan, aimed at assassinating Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro and other senior authorities of the Bolivarian Government, keeping in parallel a complicit silence in the face of Israeli barbarism, with the support of the United States (USA).

In this context, the Minister of People's Power for Foreign Affairs, Yván Gil, denounced this Thursday at a press conference that “the Office of the High Commissioner has exacerbated its attacks against Venezuela, just as the world is witnessing the genocide committed against the Palestinian people with total impunity, favored by the inaction of this international bureaucracy that, without condemning these events or calling for an immediate ceasefire, remains fearful and inert in the face of the murder of more than 10,000 Palestinian children”.

The Venezuelan Foreign Minister criticized that, on the other hand, “this Office of the High Commissioner is very active in falsifying facts and prequalifying situations in relation to Venezuela, only to attack the country's sovereignty and self-determination with lies, falsifications, disinformation and manipulations.”

He described as “judicial colonialism” the actions of this UN body against the South American nation, since “not only does it violate the Charter of the United Nations, but it also flagrantly violates the obligations contained in the Letter of Understanding signed with Venezuela and resolution 48/141 of the UN General Assembly, according to which the High Commissioner has the duty to respect sovereignty and integrity. territorial and domestic jurisdiction of States”.

Genocide in Gaza vs. Justice actions in Venezuela

Venezuela, for its part, has repeatedly denounced the genocide in Gaza by the Zionist regime, in addition to expressing its unrestricted support for the Palestinian people, in the midst of the dismantling of multiple conspiracies of imperial factors against the Bolivarian Government and in the context of the imposition of criminal unilateral coercive measures.

Since October 7, 2023, the Palestinian authorities have reported more than 28,600 people killed by attacks by Israeli forces, the majority of whom were women and children, but this is not a matter of interest to the Office of the High Commissioner.

Meanwhile, in Venezuela, justice acts to imprison those responsible for destabilizing attempts and their legal action, in accordance with respect for human rights, is questioned by organizations related to imperialism that support the massacre of Palestinians.

In this regard, the Venezuelan diplomat rejected “the double standard, the double standard, as is also said, applied by the office that ended up being, to use a medical term, a hemiplegic office, which only thinks to one side, to the side of the extreme right” and only protects people who have tried to subvert, not only the constitutional order, but to generate generalized violence in Venezuela and is silent in the face of real violations of human rights in the world.

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