

At least 20 complaints in 2 years! Here are the conspiracies unveiled by Jorge Rodríguez (+Maduro Podcast)

Episode #6 of President Nicolás Maduro's podcast
Presidential Press

Published at: 26/01/2024 04:58 PM

During his participation as a special guest in episode number 6 of the Maduro Podcast, this Friday the president of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez, stated that between 2018 and 2020 he made at least 20 complaints about conspiracies against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, by the Government of the United States (USA) and its allies of the national right to disturb the Peace of the Homeland.

“At least 20 complaints, with evidence that included, among assassination attempts, the frustrating assassination of August 4, the year 18, which included the training of mercenaries in paramilitary camps in Colombia, which included psychological warfare operations, which included serious sabotage against the Venezuelan electrical system,” Rodríguez recalled.

In addition, the complaints include “attempts to assassinate leaders of the Bolivarian Revolution, attempts to seize military posts, theft of weapons from military units, attempted coups d'etat, where of different signs - the so-called blue coup - they wanted to involve Venezuelan aviation officers, deserters because they too have developed a psychological war field over our Bolivarian National Armed Force and have also been defeated” .

He stressed that five assassination plans have been discovered, “unveiled and defeated as people say , and with confessions from those involved (...) and electrical sabotage, there was a confession of participation, there we discovered how they had managed to sabotage the electrical system and the Guri power plant”.

He also recalled the so-called Operation Gideon of May 3, 2020, when “they took advantage of the pandemic to try to create a situation of serious anxiety for the peace of the country, that is, it 's always the same, it's always the same file, it's always the same practice, a permanent conspiracy .”

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