

Arreaza: ICC should attach recognition from the US Congress of criminal harm from sanctions

“A confession on the part, relieving evidence,” said Arreaza

Published at: 24/01/2024 05:17 PM

This Wednesday, 24, the Minister of Popular Power for Communes and Social Movements, Jorge Arreaza, considered that the recognition of the United States Congress, that the unilateral coercive measures against the country generated an unprecedented economic crisis, should be incorporated into the case of Venezuela 2, before the International Criminal Court (ICC ).

“Valuable confessions for #CPI to incorporate into the Venezuela 2 case about sanctions and their criminal effects,” he said.

This was stated by Arreaza, in his account on the social network X, in which he recognized the resistance of the Venezuelan people to unilateral coercive measures, referring to the recent report of the Office of Research Services of the United States Congress, regarding the sanctions applied by the United States government against the country.

He stressed that “a confession on the part, relieving evidence. U.S. institutions recognize that they applied sanctions and blocked the Venezuelan economy to “evict” President @ NicolasMaduro”.

In this regard, he stressed that “they admit that they failed in their objective and that they produced an unprecedented economic crisis, which generated millions of migrants.”

Arreaza emphasized that such recognition, “it should be added that they also generated deaths, diseases, suffering, impairment of public services, poverty and endless consequences.”

He said that “our eternal recognition, conscience and capacity for resistance of the Venezuelan people and their Bolivarian Government. The current empires are still receiving lessons from Venezuela 200 years later.”

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