

Aristobulo Istúriz: The Professor of the Bolivarian Revolution (+seeding)

Revolutionary Aristobulo Istúriz

Published at: 27/04/2024 08:30 AM

On April 27, 2021, Aristobulo Istúriz, a prominent teacher, revolutionary politician and tireless fighter for social rights, leaves for eternity.

“A great revolutionary, friend, loyal comrade in every way (...) Big brother: I promise you that we will win!” , said the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, during the funeral honors in Capilla Ardente.

A native of Curiepe, Miranda state, he always led the doctrine of Simón Rodríguez; Istúriz was an ordinary teacher who broke paradigms during the Fourth Republic.

He was the founding president of the Unitary Teachers Union (SUMA) of the Federal District and a founding member of FETRAMAGISTERIO. He was also the national leader of the Venezuelan Federation of Teachers (FVM) and the College of Teachers of Venezuela (CPV).

His character as a social defender was recognized by the People since his fight against that democracy representative of the Fourth Republic, and in 1992 he was elected mayor of Caracas.

With the arrival of Commander Hugo Chávez to power in 1998, he identified himself with the thought of the Giant, so between 2001 and 2007 he was coordinator of the Social Cabinet and president of the Presidential Commission of the Robinson Mission.

He was governor of Anzoátegui 2012-2016; President Nicolás Maduro appointed him executive vice-president of the Republic in 2017, then on July 30 of that year he was elected constituent to the National Constituent Assembly (ANC). Later he returned to the Ministry for the Communes and then to the Ministry for Education and the sectoral vice-presidency of the Government for Social and Territorial Socialism.

“All those roads were traveled with glory and honor. He came out of everyone with his head held high,” said Cabello, at the time.

During the attacks on the Bolivarian Revolution in 2002, 2014, 2017 and 2019, he was at the forefront fighting like a Cimarron.

Istúriz, as a good revolutionary, gave his life to the people, always carrying the doctrine of Samuel Robinson (Simón Rodríguez) as a flag. His social and political career is very long, which does not fit in a few lines, but the love of the Venezuelans who had the honor of meeting him treasures the joy, strength and courage of the Eternal Professor.

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