


Published at: 01/05/2024 09:00 PM

  • Following the events of February 4, 1992, Aristobulo Istúriz Almeida gave a historic speech to the Chamber of Deputies, in defense of the young Bolivarian soldiers who broke into the political scene that day to change the course of Venezuela forever.
  • In his capacity as a deputy for Cause R, Istúriz pointed out the real causes of this insurrectional advance, defending the patriotic, Bolivarian and revolutionary character of its actors.
  • Maestro Istúriz defined himself as “a tank of social struggle”.
  • After Commander Hugo Chávez won the presidential elections of December 6, 1998 by overwhelming victory, he entrusted him with many tasks; among them, from 2001 to 2007, he handed him the baton of education. During his first term at the head of that ministry, El Cimarrón Mayor achieved the following achievements:
    1. It inaugurated 22 primary and secondary schools in Caracas.
    2. It distributed the necessary equipment for 2,600 rural schools with educational kits.
    3. It provided libraries to 24,411 public schools across the country.
    4. It recovered 77 schools in the Caracas metropolitan area that were in a state of neglect.
    5. It put 3,500 Bolivarian schools into operation.
    6. It opened 350 Infocentres and 250 Bolivarian IT and Telematics Centers (CBIT).
    7. It delivered 1,174 preschool classrooms and 54 Simoncictos in Caracas.
    8. Likewise, 27 Bilingual Comprehensive Schools were delivered: 8 in Caracas, 10 in Miranda, 4 in La Guaira, 3 in Falcón and 2 in the state of Bolívar.
    9. In this ministerial administration, 1,450,000 compatriots were literate in the Robinson Mission, 1,000,000 participated in the Ribas Mission and 300,000 in the Sucre Mission, for a total of approximately 3,000,000 Venezuelans who were favored by the educational missions led by Professor Istúriz.
  • Aristobulo Istúriz Almeida was born in Curiepe, Edo. Miranda, December 20, 1946. In 1965, he graduated from the Experimental Pedagogical Institute of Caracas specializing in History, Social Sciences and Contemporary History of Venezuela.
  • In 1968, when Betancourt imposed Gonzalo Barrios, to displace AD's natural leader, Luis Beltrán Prieto Figueroa, Aristobulo broke ranks with that party and joined the militancy of the People's Electoral Movement (MEP).
  • In 1974, he also did his postgraduate thesis in Development Planning at the Center for Development Studies (CENDES) of the Central University of Venezuela (UCV).
  • He participated as a founding member of Fetramagisterio and was the founding president of the United Union of Teachers, as the national leader of the Venezuelan Federation of Teachers and the College of Teachers of Venezuela.
  • During an “open-heart” surgery, Professor del Pueblo took a leap into eternity, on April 21, 2021.

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