

Argentine trade unions condemn police operation against demonstrators

The objective was to prevent a mobilization of the Workers' Pole and the Socialist Workers' Movement.

Published at: 01/02/2024 10:02 PM

Trade union and social organizations, as well as politicians in Argentina condemned this Thursday, 01, the heavy police deployment against demonstrators who rejected a package of government laws and reported the arrest of at least six people, reported the Prensa Latina website.

He specifies that hundreds of troops with canes and shields, motorized police and hydrant trucks, arrived the day before in the vicinity of the Congress to prevent the mobilization of groups such as the Polo Obrero (PO) and the Socialist Workers' Movement.

The officers used pepper spray and the leader of the PO, Eduardo Belliboni, stated that he received blows that caused him difficulty breathing.

“We demand the release of our PO colleague, Victor da Vila. At 18:00 local time, we return to Congress against the Omnibus Act. Not one arrested for fighting! , said today the deputy of the Left Front, Romina del Plá.

For its part, the Center for Social and Legal Studies, reported that there were “women arrested and beaten to death, journalists beaten to the teeth, police armed to the teeth, even with firearms.”

“These scenes have been common since a protocol of zero tolerance for demonstrations has been in force, which enables police arrogance and provocation. With the package of laws, the government wants to legalize irrational state violence that ends the right to protest. Legislators cannot allow this,” the organization said in a statement.

In addition, he noted that “a federal agent was photographed with a far-right badge. It is very worrying and even more so if it appears as a provocation. In addition to wearing libertarian identification, I was armed at a demonstration and that is prohibited.”

Also, Sonia Mello, of the Frente Grande, considered it regrettable that, after 40 years of democracy, “not only do we have to see how the government of Javier Milei squeezes and extorts the provinces to pass a law that violates the rights of the people, but also goes out with all its might to repress workers and families.”

The Fatherland is not for sale. We say: No to repression, he said.

In addition, the deputy of the Union for the Fatherland, Eduardo Toniolli and the Central of Autonomous Workers, reported the arrest of four women who sang the national anthem sitting in front of the Congress.

The Association of State Workers condemned the repression and accused the country's leadership of “trampling on democracy and militarizing the City of Buenos Aires.”

“In no way can you try to pass a law if that means suppressing the people who speak out against them. We demand the release of all the detainees and the immediate cessation of institutional violence,” said the general secretary of that group, Rodolfo Aguiar.

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