

Argentina: Teachers announce 48-hour national strike against Milei's measures

Against the budgetary adjustment promoted by Milei
Photo: Internet

Published at: 04/06/2024 08:11 AM

The Trade Union Front of National Universities (FSUN), a coalition that brings together teaching and non-teaching unions in Argentina, has called for a 48-hour national strike that will begin this Tuesday across the nation.

Teachers are carrying out the measure of force aimed at rejecting the budgetary adjustment implemented by the government of Javier Milei, which has offered an increase of 270% in operating expenses allocated to national universities.

During a meeting with the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello, and the Undersecretary of University Policy, Alejandro Álvarez, the FSUN received the salary proposal that they had previously rejected in a previous session.

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