

Argentina: Senate rejected Milei's mega-decree and agitates libertarian government's interns

The majority considered that the megaproject is unconstitutional
Photo: Internet

Published at: 15/03/2024 08:00 AM

Last Thursday, the Senate of Argentina rejected the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) promoted by President Javier Milei in December, and it could eventually be completely annulled in the Chamber of Deputies.

The controversial DNU, with which the president seeks to deregulate the economy and reduce State intervention, obtained 42 votes against, 25 in favor and 4 abstentions. Thus, the package of measures could lose its entirety if the lower house also rejects it.

According to information highlighted by Russia Today (RT), the central argument of the senators who voted against it was that of “unconstitutionality”, considering that it establishes multiple amendments to laws in force without the approval of the Legislative Branch.

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