

Argentina: Forest fire devastates more than 7,500 hectares of emblematic park

The Los Alerces National Park, on the border with neighboring Chile, protects lahuán or larch forests.

Published at: 09/02/2024 08:29 AM

A fire registered in the emblematic Los Alerces National Park, located in the southern Argentine province of Chubut and which stands out for having an ancient alerzal, has so far destroyed more than 7,500 hectares, local authorities said Thursday.

The Secretary of Citizens' Liaison in charge of resource logistics and aid in the field, Laura Mirantes, told the press that weather conditions in the region complicate the task of the brigade members.

“The lights are still active at the head of the fire,” said the official, and warned that the high temperatures recorded in the area could activate “a little more the lights that were calmer as a result of the rain that occurred.”

According to information provided by the province of Chubut, the hectares consumed by fire amount to 7,597 hectares.

With regard to the tourist services provided in that area, which is characterized by lakes and mountains, Mirantes said that they work normally, although he recommended that those who travel through the area drive with extreme caution on the stretch of Provincial Route 71 that crosses the National Park, given the high traffic of vehicles affected by the operation to control the fire.

In addition to the more than 330 brigade members working there, 60 from the north of the country will be added, along with another 45 sent this Thursday by the Government of the central province of Santa Fe.

The tasks include hand tools and water lines, as well as hydrant planes and helicopters, as well as an observation aircraft and drone equipment to monitor fire behavior.

The Los Alerces National Park, on the border with neighboring Chile, protects lahuán or larch forests.

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