

Are there no choices without me? This is what G3 and the gringos think of María Con Ira's egomaniacal phrase

María Conira Machado
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 31/01/2024 09:47 PM

January 31st, 2024

Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Washington by Diosdado Cabello.

Patriot VIP

My friend Diosdado, how are you? I'm still in Washington very cold, that's why my friends at the State Department don't think so clearly, their neurons are frozen. But let's do our thing. On this side of the world, the cries, “my chair aaaaaaaa, my chair aaaaaaaaaa”, were heard after the ruling of the Supreme Court of Justice.

Despite State Department announcements and ultimatums from some US administration officials, behind the scenes there is strong resistance from lobbyists in the economic and oil world of the United States, who demand that Biden not re-impose sanctions because, rather than affecting the Venezuelan government, they are doing serious harm to US interests.

Brother, do not forget that it is economic interests that govern politics in this country (the United States) and although Mrs. Machado has tried to pressure with the radical wing of the Republican Party, the Democratic leaders reiterate that an electoral solution must be channeled and the opportunity to compete in 2024 cannot be lost, they have said that the best thing is to insist and discard abstention, which would be Mrs. Machado's last letter.

A cooperating patriot who works inside the White House confirms that the Biden administration recognizes that the Chavism negotiating delegation has complied with the Barbados agreements, and that at the last minute, they will not accompany that slogan of “without me there is no choice” issued by Mrs. Machado. Now, the topic is not just here. Down there in Caracas, the Apocalypse was set up in the Unitary Platform after the egocentric phrase of “without me there is no choice” since the parties have stated that a contingency plan for the candidacy must be addressed. The comments sparked the anger of Mrs. MariaConira, and she ordered to evade any conversation on the subject.

The parties insist that Venezuelans should not be left without a choice, that the government will comply with its constitutional obligation to call elections for this year 2024, so we should not fall into the same mistake as in 2018. A New Time, Democratic Action and factions of Justice First call for wisdom, detachment and serious leadership. Where are Rosales, Allup and Henrique Capriles? Why didn't they appear at Machado's press conference? These are the questions that resound in the opposition leadership, because it is these gentlemen who will mark the partisan position of the so-called G-3.

The so-called international allies continue to question the power of opposition convening, no one answers the questions about whether, according to them, three million people voted, including you Diosdado, on October 22, how is it that there is no one in the street supporting the lady? What's coming is espadrille and joropo, and not exactly for Chavism. MariaConira wants to annihilate the parties, believing that she is only her and that's enough, until now they won't allow it, side and side they walk with a dagger in their mouths. By the way, from Vente Venezuela they are calling for opinion leaders, influencers, analysts, journalists, and next week I'll tell you that little gem. For now I will stay in Washington until I know what will happen with the sanctions, although I am looking forward to traveling for the anniversary program. Change and out

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