

ARAGUA - SANTIAGO MARIÑO/Infante: The 1x10 is the main mechanism for raising voter awareness

Pedro Infante: first vice-president of the National Assembly
Photo: Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 11/06/2024 01:08 PM

The 1x10 mechanism is the main element to generate awareness among voters and achieve a broad mobilization of voters in favor of the country's candidate, Nicolás Maduro, said Pedro Infante , a member of the Our Venezuela Campaign Command.

During an activity to check the 7x7 machinery of the PSUV in the state of Aragua, he called on the revolutionary militancy to talk with the people and, using the historical arguments that assist the Revolution, to convince the electorate.

“Convincing to win are our current historical reasons; the basis for convincing every man and woman to participate in the elections on July 28. Motivating to succeed has to be a campaign of great joy and motivation,” said Infante.

On the other hand, he stressed that in Venezuela, the services offered by the National Government reach all people equally regardless of political tendency, race or religion.

“While the right wing was asking for sanctions during the pandemic, President Maduro went around the world looking for vaccines for the people. In fact, the nine patarucos of the opposition were vaccinated with the vaccines that Maduro brought,” he stressed.

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