

ARAGUA - SANTIAGO MARIÑO/Governor of Aragua reaffirmed her commitment to the victory of July 28

Karina Carpio, governor of Aragua
Photo: Internet

Published at: 11/06/2024 12:23 PM

This Tuesday, the governor of the state of Aragua, Karina Carpio, accompanied members of the Socialist Unity Party of Venezuela (PSUV) in checking the 1x10x7 Machinery Organization promoted by President Nicolás Maduro Moros.

The regional coordinator of the PSUV in the state also reaffirmed her commitment to achieve victory on July 28 together with the People's candidate, Nicolás Maduro.

“We are certain that Nicolás Maduro will continue to be president of Venezuelans. From Aragua, cradle of Revolution, we say to the president: Count on our support!” , he said.

In the framework of July 28, he assured that “it will be a day marked of victory, of love, because love is paid for with love; with courage with gallantry, with strength, in the most difficult moments Nicolás Maduro has never left us alone”.

Aragua remains mobilized and organized in the streets, creating its 1x10x7 to ensure the resounding victory of Nicolás Maduro,” said Carpio.

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