

ARAGUA - SANTIAGO MARIÑO/Cabello about 1x10: Let's keep in permanent contact with registered people

Checking of the 1x10 PSUV machinery in Aragua
Con El Mazo Dando Photo

Published at: 11/06/2024 12:52 PM

This Tuesday, June 11, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, urged the militancy to maintain permanent contact with the registered people of the electoral 1x10, to guarantee the victory of next July 28 in the presidential elections.

“All the colleagues who are registered in the 1x10 are contacted, called (...) who are people with whom the bosses of the 1x10 maintain permanent, direct contact with those people who can guarantee that on July 28 they will all vote for brother president Nicolás Maduro,” Cabello said in a voice note during the 1x10 Machine Check in Aragua.

In that regard, he confirmed the importance that the 1x10 must be real, credible, verifiable and auditable. “It is a record that they must make from their conscience, from their love for the Revolution; without false names, without ghosts or without people who don't exist (...) we are not interested in numbers, we are interested in the work being done efficiently,” he said.

He reaffirmed that it is necessary for the entire State Political Team, as well as the grassroots structures of the PSUV in Aragua, to verify that the tasks are being carried out efficiently. At the same time, he specified the importance of also implementing the 1x10x7 to continue adding to the construction of victory.

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