

ARAGUA - SANTA RITA/Militancia mobilized with enthusiasm and joy in support of the revolution

Mobilization in the central-western entity
Courtesy of PSUV Aragua

Published at: 24/05/2024 08:46 PM

This Friday, members of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) in the state of Aragua mobilized in Santa Rita, Francisco Linares Alcántara municipality, in rejection of the sanctions and to demand the end of the blockade imposed by the United States against the Venezuelan people.

The liaison of the national management of the PSUV for the state of Aragua, Ricardo Molina, highlighted the enthusiasm of the population to support the actions taken by the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, such as the 1x10 of Good Government. He emphasized that the red awning in Aragua is in the construction phase of the electoral victory of July 28 through the electoral 1x10, which means that each militant is attracting up to 10 female voters and thus consolidating the victory of the red awning.

For her part, the governor of the state of Aragua, Karina Carpio, highlighted the resounding support given by the people of Santa Rita to President Nicolás Maduro. “It is an irrefutable support for our leader who implements social policies that dignify the people,” he said.

The state's godmother, Minister of Popular Power for Education, Yelitze Santaella, thanked the people of Aragua for taking to the streets and raising their voices in protest against the abuses of the empire and urged them to organize to attend to the 1x10 of good and electoral governance to guarantee people's awareness in the coming elections.

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