

ARAGUA - GIRARDOT/President Maduro: The patarucos receive orders in English from the United States

Nicolás Maduro, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Presidential Press

Published at: 07/06/2024 06:18 PM

President Nicolás Maduro Moros, during a meeting with the Chavista militancy in Maracay, Aragua state, recognized the revolutionary spirit of this entity and took the opportunity to send a message from the land of the historic Samán de Güere to send a message to the Venezuelan oligarchic opponents and their masters in the north, to whom they consult everything they are going to do and say.

“Listen to oligarchs and surnames, the united people will never be defeated and Aragua is imbued with the immortal spirit of the Liberators and the Revolutionary Movement 200,” said the Head of State.

He repeated slogans in Spanish and English, sent to “the opposition paratucos and their masters in the north”. “Because they spend it talking in English because they don't understand the language of Venezuelans,” he stressed.

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