

Aragua Food Staff develops Sovereign Field Fairs in municipalities of the entity

Day of comprehensive care in the area
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 27/05/2024 10:37 PM

Through an articulated work, the entities that make up the General Staff of the Food of Aragua developed a deployment with simultaneous days of the Sovereign Field Fair in eight municipalities of the entity.

During Ribas, Libertador, José Ángel Lamas, Francisco Linares Alcántara, Zamora, and Santiago Mariño.

Socialist Mission Bases (BMS) were served, through the Venezuelan Food Producer and Distributor (PDVAL), Food Markets (MERCAL) and the company Alimentos Aragua Socialista, (ALAS).

The Ministry of People's Power for Food reported in a press release that the deployment is continuing in food care in the 18 municipalities of the region.

The territorial director of the ministerial portfolio José Diego Castillo reported that “the Food Mission team moved to the care and benefit of 23,000 Aragüeña families with access to food from the basic basket at affordable prices”.

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