

Aragua: Bolivarian Government served grandmothers and grandparents in Turmero

More Years, More Love Day
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 03/06/2024 05:37 PM

With a day of free care in different medical specialties, the Bolivarian Government treated more than 700 grandparents in the town of Turmero in Aragua, in the plan called More Years, More Love.

The grandmothers and grandparents of La Patria were treated in specialties such as cardiology, internal medicine, dentistry, ophthalmology, traumatology, gynecology, nephrology, podiatry and dermatology. The activity also included psychological care, recreational therapies, barbershop and hairdressing services, as well as nutritional care and free delivery of medications.

The activity was attended by grandparents from the Casco de Turmero, Samán de Güere, Alfredo Pacheco Miranda and Pedro Arévalo Aponte parishes and was carried out in the spaces of the Turmero nursing home, with the joint work of national, regional and municipal health teams.

The day is part of the strategies of the Great Mission of Grandparents and Grandmothers of Venezuela, whose objective is to guarantee the well-being and medical care of this important sector of the population.

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