

APURE - SAN FERNANDO/Rodríguez to the Patarucos: On 28J we are going to let go of our Gallo Pinto

General Coordinator of the Venezuela Nuestra Campaign Command, Jorge Rodríguez,
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Published at: 07/06/2024 03:38 PM

This Thursday, June 07, the general coordinator of the Venezuela Nuestra Campaign Command, Jorge Rodríguez, stressed that the patarucos of the Venezuelan right will release their Gallo Pinto, the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, who has always been with the men and women of this land despite the difficulties.

“On July 28, we are going to release our Gallo Fino, our Rooster Pinto, to those patarucos,” Rodríguez said during a meeting with the organization of the 1x10 Electoral Machinery in San Fernando, Apure state.

In that sense, he condemned that sectors of the extreme right that promoted invasions, assassination attempts, sanctions and blockades against the Homeland, now come to ask the People to vote. “They can't come back because we already know what their plan is, we already know them, we've seen it,” he said.

He warned that if the right comes to power, the first thing they will do is privatize education, health, Petroleos de Venezuela and hand over part of our territory to Guyana. “That is what is at stake, centaurs and centaurs of the plain, what is at stake is whether we defend the future or give it to the gringos,” he said.

He reaffirmed that despite the difficulties, Venezuela is rising up and is defeating the sanctions imposed by imperialism.

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