

Appointed Ambassador of Venezuela as Alternate Coordinator of GRULAC in India

The heads of mission of all the nations that make up GRULAC unanimously selected the Venezuelan diplomat

Published at: 15/05/2024 03:30 PM

The ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Capaya Rodríguez González, was appointed Alternate Coordinator of the Regional Group for Latin America and the Caribbean (GRULAC) in the Republic of India.

The heads of mission of all the nations that make up GRULAC unanimously selected the Venezuelan diplomat, in recognition of both her extensive career and her ability to relate in harmony with representatives of different countries, a quality that makes her worthy of the respect and affection of her Latin American and Caribbean colleagues.

The current coordinator of GRULAC, the ambassador of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, Alberto Guani, in dismissing the outgoing Alternate Coordinator, the ambassador of the Republic of Panama, Yasiel Burillo Rivera, who will soon travel back to her homeland, recognized the excellent work carried out by the Central American diplomat and expressed confidence that Ambassador Capaya Rodríguez will do her best to fully carry out her new functions, maintaining the environment of cooperation and camaraderie that characterizes the regional group.

At the end of the activity, Ambassador Rodríguez thanked her for the honor of her appointment and the opportunity to collaborate closely with her Uruguayan counterpart in the management of GRULAC, assuring that she would do her best to continue the good work of her predecessor and to contribute productively to all the initiatives undertaken by the dynamic group.